About Volo Alte story
Volo Alte was inspired from a humble desire to achieve instant height, and this led to a discovery of a technology that could do just that.
This transpired into a passion to have an entire boosted shoe collection, and into an ambition to create a brand of trendy footwear that brings the experience of height to those who desire the benefits. This shoe innovation has been largely under-promoted to the market, because early attempts at creating elevator shoe solutions have delivered height largely through thicker platform or outer sole layer which have not been the most pleasant aesthetically.
Out of strong desire to showcase these trendy and innovative shoes and bring awareness to the otherwise unaware market, Volo Alte brand was born.

Why choose Volo Alte?
Volo Alte truly embodies a collaboration of passionate shoemakers, their creativity and their talents to bring about a unique experience in footwear. The natural and authentic leather used on our shoes are sourced from quality suppliers including from Europe.
Our mission is to create stylish, comfortable footwear with a customised height boost to give a confidence boost to the modern man.
Very few people feel blessed that they are short. In fact 75% of people desire to be taller, and that could be as little as 2 cm to 8 cm. Men do not want to go through surgery to get there. Men want the experience of being taller, feeling taller and Volo Alte footwear can bring that uplifting sensation.